You can define different color schemes in your theme settings and apply the color schemes across sections throughout the theme. A color scheme is a set of colors. Your theme includes a set of default color schemes that you can change at any time in the theme editor.
How to Add or Edit a Color Scheme?
- From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
- Click Customize next to the theme you want to customize.
- Click the gear icon, then click Colors.
- In the Schemes section, click an existing scheme or click Add scheme to create a new color scheme.
- Click the color swatch for the content type color you want to change.
- To set your color, enter a hex color code or choose a color from the color picker. To make the color transparent, delete the hex code from the text field.
- Click Save.
Applying Color Schemes
After defining your color schemes in the theme settings, you can assign a color scheme using the color scheme picker in your theme's sections and blocks. The color scheme picker is only available in certain sections, blocks, and general theme settings.
Static Colors
Static colors are assigned to a few items:
- Cart dot background
- Review stars
These colors are not affected by color schemes.
Note: Badge colors are managed in the "Product badges" tab in the theme settings.
Read more about color schemes from Shopify's help center.